Introducing ~ The EPFX/SCIO DEVICE
Connect, Energize, & Heal With Your Natural Life force!!!
Imagine ~ having the most advanced analysis and healing device in the world
scanning your entire body...Delivering you everything you ever
wanted to know about stress in your Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit!
LEARN how to regulate your body
CREATE the life you want NOW
FREE yourself from repeating negative patterns
RAISE your vibrational frequency and create a balanced energetic field
MANIFEST abundance, love, joy, confidence, and more
RELEASE “energetic blocks” that prevent you from attaining your dreams
EMPOWER and center yourself
INTEGRATE all healing energies and liberate your body, mind and spirit
About the EPFX-SCIO ~
EPFX / SCIO technology is based on decades of research conducted in the field of bio-energetic and bio-response medicines for the human body. The EPFX (QXCI) is the original device developed by Professor Bill Nelson and the SCIO is an upgrade device of that original device. The SCIO is a state-of-the-art evoked potential Biofeedback system for stress detection and reduction. The revolutionary SCIO Biofeedback Device was created over a period of many years of research and development to combine holistic medicine with advanced quantum technology. The SCIO biofeedback device makes it possible to scan the body for its most acute and chronic stress conditions, attempting to balance or correct these stressors with focused energetic therapy. The main premises of quantum biofeedback therapy are that the body is electrical in nature, innately intelligent, and has the ability to heal itself if the right conditions or stimuli are provided. When the client becomes more aware of that which has been unknown to them, they can make changes to improve their wellness on all levels.
The EPFX-SCIO scans the body for 9000 frequencies, each associated with a different compound, much as anti-virus software would do for a computer. The EPFX-SCIO operates at biological speeds (up to 1/1000 of a second) charting the resonance or response of the body to these frequencies, comparing them to a norm, and ranking them in the degree of reactivity, identifying both acute and chronic imbalances. Clients can then be provided information about the results and energetic therapy can be given to attempt a balancing or harmonizing of any aberrant frequencies or stressors. Offering over 200 biofeedback therapies in 72 modalities, it is the largest health care software package in the world, combining both eastern and western philosophies and techniques. Over 60 million bits of information!! The EPFX/ SCIO interfaces by limb and head contact straps to you for a highly accurate bio-energetic stress field evaluation. During testing, it resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins, and allergens for one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which your body reacts to stress. It processes over 60 million bits of data; and, in about three minutes, the EPFX / SCIO records your body's reactivity to 9000 parameters of health at 1/100 of a second and distributes this information to over 200 programs. The EPFX / SCIO tests your unconscious mind, which has extensive knowledge of you (approximately 97% of what goes on within your mind and body) to retrain, remove and restructure your whole health. You can choose from a wide
variety of therapies.
EPFX-SCIO Technology is Based on Decades of Research making it the
best energetic medicine and stress reduction available today!!
The accuracy and reliability of the EPFX bio-resonance system is based on decades of research conducted in the field of bio-energetic and bio-response medicine (EDS (electro-dermal screening), Voll Meters, Vega, Mora, etc.) Science has shown us that the body is indeed electric; therefore electrical reactivity in the body can be measured via responses to impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance, and frequencies. The device measures sixteen standard electrical parameters of the body beyond just simple resistance. This makes the EPFX unique. Most standard point and probe devices (Voll Meters, etc.) only measure resistance. Trivector resonant frequencies (a mathematical calculation of the relationship between voltage, amperage, and resistance) of substances are compared to the trivector resonant frequencies of your client. This results in the EPFX being the best biofeedback energetic medicine and stress analysis possible. The EPFX/SCIO is light years beyond traditional biofeedback and energetic medicine machines used in most offices today.
During testing, the EPFX device resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins, and allergens for one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which the body reacts. This type of rapid testing is known as the Xrroid process.
What does the EPFX/SCIO actually do?
The EPFX scans the client's body like a virus scan on a computer, looking for everything from stress links to viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities, and food sensitivities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions, and vulnerabilities caused by stress. The information provided by the EPFX is fundamentally different from X-rays, blood tests, etc.., as it tells us about the energetic state of one's body and the direction in which the body is focusing its energy.
How is the SCIO set up?
The SCIO is connected to the client via a headband, wrist, and ankle straps sending electromagnetic signals to the body. The SCIO scanning AND therapy process is painless and non-invasive. Clients of the SCIO rave about how they feel comfortable being tested and having a session.
What happens after the client is scanned?
Once the SCIO has measured stress in vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, food substances, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, hormone levels, muscle tone, disease, bacteria, molds & fungi, viruses, and the health and balance of internal organs, it then compares these figures against a "norm".
How does that help?
The SCIO basically outlines anything that is stressing the health and wellness of the client. For example, if someone has digestive trouble, the SCIO may show that they had salmonella as a child, which is still causing them problems. Stress reactions to various types of foods, chemicals, and other substances are revealed and can be further investigated by interviewing the client and by visiting other programs and screens within the SCIO program to locate patterns and more clues.
So you just use the SCIO to identify problem stress areas?
Actually, it's more than just a stress diagnostic tool. There are so many programs on the EPFX, which after measuring the body's frequencies also feeds back its own frequencies to redress or neutralize destructive/stressful wave patterns. In some cases, it may add frequency, in others reverse it to either enhance or counteract the body's own resonances. The EPFX doesn't just show the negative or stressed aspects of the body, but also the positive aspects. However, in attempting to improve and revitalize health, we tend to focus more on the negative aspects, so that they can be shifted.
How does the SCIO try to revitalize the body?
As the EPFX has been devised using the principles of Quantum Physics, that question is easier asked than answered. Basically, during treatment, the EPFX measures the body's resonance and reactance pattern and determines what benefit has occurred in the time period since the last measurement (less than a second earlier). If there has not been an improvement, the input resonance is altered. It maintains each beneficial setting as long as it is helping and changes it as soon as it is no longer useful.
Can you use the EPFX on children?
The EPFX is ideally suited to children, as they are often unable to verbally communicate what they are suffering from. Children suffering from behavioral problems have seen considerable improvements, as the EPFX unearthed contributing factors, such as food intolerance.
Can you use the EPFX on animals/pets?
YES! Animals are unable to communicate with us in the most obvious of ways, although it may be apparent that they are suffering both from physical and psychological problems. Pet owners have seen a vast improvement in the behavior and increased vitality of their pets.
Distance or Sub Space Sessions ~ How Does that work?
People often become very skeptical when they hear that this work can be done at a distance. But I promise you it works very well. Some things are true whether you believe it or not, or understand it. Distance or Subspace sessions are another way that you can experience the EPFX / SCIO. You can either sit across from the practitioner without being hooked up with the harnesses, or you can relax in the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. For people with pacemakers, this is the only way to use this device.
How does the EPFX / SCIO locate you?
You have a specific frequency through your current name, birth date, and birth location. If you have your birth time then that is also added. This signature is very specific to you. To understand this better, this signature is similar to your cell phone number. People can call you with your specific number, regardless of where you are located. You don't see the physical connections between you and your caller, but you are still connected through a wireless network. All that is required is to have a sender and a receiver. With the EPFX / SCIO, your personal information creates the connection between it and your unique quantum energy fields. In this case, the sender is the SCIO device and the receiver is you. There are many other examples that exist of this type of invisible connectivity.
For years, the Hubbell telescope has sent back more than 700,000 photos from the deepest portions of space that we have ever seen. The Hubbell sends these pictures as wavelengths that are then deciphered by highly advanced receivers that can show us these results. We can't see the wavelengths but just look at these pictures, very real, from very far away with nothing but space between the camera and the receiver. We act as receivers and transmitters, just like the Hubbell telescope. The EPFX / SCIO picks up the information that our body transmits and creates a cybernetic feedback loop. Then, the EPFX / SCIO sends information to your body and reads your response. This all happens in a quantum dimension that knows no time or space called "subspace." Dr. Amelia herself is very sensitive to the frequency and rarely hooks herself up to the machine, choosing to work on herself in sub-space.